The expansion of the European Union, political map 1957, 1987, 1997 and 2007
The political map and landscape in Europe has changed drastically in the period of 1957-2007. In the aftermath of the Second World War, the European Communities was formed in 1957 by the treaty of Rome, with six signatories. This was a time with considerable political tension between the Eastern Bloc (Warsaw pact, COMECON and associated countries) on one side, and NATO on the other. Through time, the communities expanded with the associated EFTA countries and with additional members. The early nineties witnessed the fall of the Berlin wall and a new political map, with even more new countries being formed with the turmoil on the Balkans. The European Union and of 2007 encompasses many of these countries totaling 27 member states.
Year: 2008
From collection: Political maps
Cartographer: Hugo Ahlenius